Monday, November 30, 2009

Expert wanted to study lap dancers - any takers?

Looking for a challenge that offers a reward, which money alone can't compensate? The Leeds University may be the right place to end your job search since it is seeking out - wait for it - a researcher to study lap dancing.

No printing error and to add icing on the cake the position pays in the area £31,000-a-year.

Persons interested in applying should be aware that this interesting position posted by the School of Sociology and Social Policy (go figure!) is for:

"Research Officer - The rise and regulation of lap dancing and the place of sexual labour and consumption in the night time economy".

Academics do tend to use such fancy words for basically a person to watch lap dancing and take notes.

The Government-funded position(!) will see the successful applicant interview 300 lap dancers in in two northern English towns.

The study, which comes with a salary of £31,513 to be exact, is aimed at finding out who becomes lap dancers and what their working conditions are like, as well as how the number of bars have multiplied.

The ad stipulates the successful applicant will need to have "prior experience of conducting research in the female sex industry".

But Susie Squire, political director at the TaxPayers' Alliance, complained: "This is the ultimate non-job and will both anger and bemuse taxpayers.

"It may be a dream job for some men, but it's just another nightmare of public sector waste for the ordinary people who pay for it."


1 comment:

Steven Pirie said...

But think of the anti-social hours :-)

I expect there was quite a queue at the job interview...